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Resources on COVID-19

During such a time of uncertainty and fear, we often let our emotions cloud our reactions to such events. However, we should always be aware of what is going on regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

This blog post will be aiming towards Bay Area/Silicon Valley residents in regard to local information so make sure you are referring to your local state or county’s government website to be informed about the latest news regarding how they are dealing with the pandemic and quarantine procedure.

Reminder: Make sure to always fact check all the resources you use to ensure that you are given the most accurate and recent news. Don’t just look at the resources included in this blog post; look at different websites to ensure accuracy and validity.

  1. World Health Organization (WHO): Provides updates on COVID-19 worldwide. Has a FAQ section about nearly anything COVID-19 related. Includes research being done on the pandemic and travel advice.

  2. California: Track state-wide and your own county data regarding COVID-19 cases, deaths, and tests being done. Find testing sites near you. Look over the state and county reopening, or resilience, roadmap and find out what step your location is at. Guidance can be found for businesses such as restaurants, salons, etc. (FYI: This can change for every state/county so please make sure to look at your state government website for information that is most relevant to you.)

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: How COVID-19 spreads. Actions you can take at home or when out in public in order to prevent the spread. Figure out the symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do when you find out that you are sick.

Besides the health of yourself and others around you, your own mental health is just as important! If you find yourself going through an endless cycle of COVID-19 new articles and websites and you feel more frightened and mentally drained than before, stop. Close your laptop and put away your phone. Take a deep breath and grab a cup of coffee or water. Maybe meditate or listen to music. Staying informed is important, but so is your well-being. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and stay safe.

By: Esther Duong, Social Representative for Design & Connections

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